We provide affordable and readily installed marine engine retrofit kits to enable hydrogen combustion, providing savings on fuel and maintenance costs while eliminating the environmental impact of navigation
Reinforcing the operational independence of maritime and riverside communities is our credo. We leverage and cultivate the existing skill-sets and knowledge-base of community stakeholders around the use of their internal combustion engines.
In addition to providing our engine retrofit kits, we will teach you how to install and maintain components yourself as well as how to work with hydrogen safely. And if you’re wondering where to source hydrogen fuel, our partners are here to ensure longterm availability.
Don't want to loose time waiting for your current engine to be converted? We will gladly exchange your fossil-fueled engine for a discount on one of our inventory hydrogen engines with an equivalent power rating.
Want us to convert your existing engine assets? We can make your boat environmentally friendly in as little as two days.
Are you a marine engine service center? We can provide you with the components needed to convert your clients' engines to hydrogen combustion.
Need regular maintenance or spare parts? We can schedule an intervention with one of our partners near you or provide direct shipping as needed.
Interested in learning how to install and maintain our engines? Looking to better understand the particularities of hydrogen as a fuel? We can provide or coordinate professional training sessions 1-on-1 or in groups per your requirements.
Regardless of your location or the type of ship or engine you use, one of our sites will fit your needs.
Curious to know more? You can click the button below, reach out to any member of our team, and we will gladly schedule a free consultation.
Aquaculture and Fishing
Our 1st site within the Pôle Economique COBAS opened in June 2023 to service the local aquaculture and fishing fleets on the Bassin of Arcachon and within Nouvelle Aquitaine.
Logistics and Transport
Our 2nd site within the Grand Port Maritime de Bordeaux opened in February 2024 to service larger ships involved in logistics and the transport of goods as well as personnel.
Research and Development
Our 3nd site located between Paris and La Defense opened in February 2024 to work with research partners in Paris-Saclay and industrials headquartered in the capital.
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